Leading and guiding the next generation is of great importance to us. Kids’ Ministry services are where the kids and youth learn about God in a fun and engaging atmosphere that is catered to their age and interests. The teachers lead the kids and youth to grow deeper with God and His Word through dynamic lessons, games, prayer, group discussion, social play, music, and crafts. Each class is staffed with a minimum of one teacher and a helper. Background checks are run on all adults working with the kids and youth. The following kids’ services are offered at New Hope Church.
- Explorers: 3 years old to kindergarten
- Discovery: 1st grade to high school.

When is Kids Services?
Kids services are offered at New Hope Church on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday mornings of each month. Guardians can bring their kids to the Explorers service starting at 10:50am and will pick their kids up after the main church service ends. Kids and youth attending Discovery can attend their service at 10:55am and they are dismissed after the church service ends.

Why Not Every Sunday?
You may be wondering why the kids service doesn’t run every Sunday. At New Hope Church, we value our families and younger friends. We have found it very beneficial for families and our younger friends to have the opportunities to remain together for them to worship and grow together. To allow our kids and youth to not only experience the main church service but to be able to be take part in our main church service. The Sundays without kids’ service provides this opportunity for them.
Additional Information
Click the following button for information on the Youth Group.